Thursday, June 17, 2010

Foundations of Buddhism - An interpretation

Buddha's 'Four Noble Truths' [take one]: 1/ Shit happens: fact. 2/ Something caused that shit to happen: you did, your mind's clinging and craving. 3/ You can get out of the shit: just let go. 4/ There's a well proven 'let-go' path: It has 8 modes:

Buddha's 'Four Noble Truths' [take two]: 1/ There will be disturbances in The Force. 2/ Something caused that disturbance: you did, with your enchantment with The Dark Side. 3/ Balance can be restored to The Force: just let the light in. 4/ There's a well proven path: 8 modes, it has:

Buddha's 'Four Noble Truths' [take three]: 1/ There will be stuckness: That's reality. 2/ Something caused that stuckness: we did, with our mental constructions and absence of mindfulness. 3/ We're not really stuck: we can just let go and we'll be free. 4/ There's a well proven path to freedom: It has 8 modes:

Buddha's 'Four Noble Truths' [take four]: 1/ We exist in a Matrix. 2/ The Matrix is only a construction but the mind finds it agreeable. 3/ However, the reality of the here and now is where the heart thrives. 4/ There is a Red pill that wakes us up to a rich and liberated life and flushes the toxins out. However, many prefer to remain under the hallucinogenic influence of the Blue pill because it appears as 'normal'.

Buddha's 'Four Noble Truths' [take five]: 1/ Life will seem unsatisfactory. 2/ The feeling of unsatisfaction appears in the gap between our model ideal and our reality. 3/ Seeing the reality of things and understanding the nature of this model will set us free. 4/ There's a well proven path to freedom: It has 8 modes:


Buddha's Eightfold Path. Mode 1: 'Right View' means to develop an authentic way of understanding the world without illusion or clinging or craving: the wisdom to understand that no worldy thing or notion can ever be permanent or perfect, not even our notion of 'self'; and the wisdom to understand the inescapable linkage of our actions and worlds reactions, that we create our own reality.

Buddha's Eightfold Path. Mode 2: 'Right Intention' means to aspire and resolve towards wholesome thought, drive and motivation: the wisdom to act without clinging or craving; the wisdom to act with loving kindness and without harm to any sentient life.


Buddha's Eightfold Path. Mode 3: 'Right Speech' means to conduct yourself skillfully in all communication: use language which is inclusive, thoughtful, protective and true. Use words which are constructive and meaningful. Speak only if it improves silence.

Buddha's Eightfold Path. Mode 4: 'Right Action' - means to conduct yourself skillfully as you express yourself through the body: Act only in wholesome ways, guard against corruption of the self and others. Act in ways which maintain a balanced state of mind and harmony in relationships.

Buddha's Eightfold Path. Mode 5: 'Right Livelihood' - means to conduct your working life in a way that builds a wholesome social environment: Contribute skillfully and profit only from activity that is equitable, peaceful, honest and harmless to self and others. Operate in society as you would wish it to be.


Buddha's Eightfold Path. Mode 6: 'Right Effort' - means to maintain the practice over time: Our life is made up of little activities, little thoughts, little distractions, little joys, little habits, little ways. It takes effort to be continually aware, to remain fully present, to see clearly and pay absolute attention. Stay focussed. No external thing can liberate, but this internal effort will set you free.

Buddha's Eightfold Path. Mode 7: 'Right Mindfulness' - means to know and purify your mind so that we can experience truth directly: Our mind is a tool that allows us to interface with, and operate in, the physical world. As our sensations, emotions and thoughts arise, mental constructs attach to them: Our perception is filtered through the mind and is transformed by it. Be alert to this, sharpen the consciousness within you and all about you. With a continuous, clear, direct perception of the world we can experience its true nature. Observe intensely, be attentive, be interested, be fully in the here and now, and allow the insights to come unbounded. Only this moment is life.

Buddha's Eightfold Path. Mode 8: 'Right Concentration' - means to absorb experience and understanding into ourselves such that it results in personal transformation: It's the distillation of our insights and learnings, as they are aligned and integrated in to the heart, and then how this liberates us; it's the substantiation of our practice by submitting it to the challenge of living in the real world. Live true to the best way that you know. You become what you believe in.

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