Thursday, June 17, 2010

Stating the Bleeding Obvious

Stating the bleeding obvious #1: What comes out a car's tailpipe is extremely toxic to humans, plants and pretty much any living thing.

Stating the bleeding obvious #2: In the not too distant future, the world economy will turn from being a mass 'consumer' economy to a mass 'producer' economy. 'Value' will shift away from the superficial world of 'stuff' and towards a world of knowledge, skill, creativity and awareness.

Stating the bleeding obvious #3: In the not too distant future, human collectives will be less about geography and resources and more about shared ideas and common values; less competitive and more cooperative.

Stating the bleeding obvious #4: 'Peak Oil' is estimated to occur 2010 [Oh shit!] The models are pretty accurate now... They also show that the second half of the oil production 'bell curve' will be sucked up at a very alarming rate, some five times faster than the first.

Stating the bleeding obvious #5: In the not too distant future, power structures built by the church, the state, the corporation and the media will all be deconstructed as the awakening reaches a critical mass. People will demand quality of life, freedom, balance of give and take, accountability and a return to human centered values.

Stating the bleeding obvious #6: It's not the planet that's in danger, WE'RE in danger! The earth will happily continue on without us, but we really really REALLY need the earth.

Stating the bleeding obvious #7: War will come to an end along with ignorance. As awareness and understanding grow, the divisive voices which propagate hate and violence will lose their credibilty. Those voices will be seen for what they really are; notions without substance, lacking truth, and driven to selfish ends. Consent, though unconscious, will simply evaporate. Violence will no longer be accepted as a solution to anything.

Stating the bleeding obvious #8: Consuming more than we produce can only by sustained with credit. Credit is defined as borrowing resources from the future to use now, but at future value. If the credit gap is increasing instead of decreasing, you have a credit crisis; it's a positive feedback loop that won't terminate. When the world does this, it's a global credit crisis. It results from a line of thought that believes that you can get money for nothing.

Stating the bleeding obvious #9: Systems that exist in reality, are wholistic entities. If you affect one part of the system, all other parts of the system will be affected by some degree. Nothing in reality exists in isolation.

Stating the bleeding obvious #10: Things happen will to us, this is a fact. The critical factor is not the events but how you respond to those events. Every choice we make, once made, will either make us stronger, wiser, more connected or the opposite.

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